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Improvers Navigations

Choose your course

Learn the tricks and hacks that we use for navigating and travelling through the mountains!


Navigate to Confidence - 1 day course

Trust your navigation.

An immersive workshop where you plan, prepare, and navigate a day into night. Uniquely designed where instructors mentor and facilitate your needs, providing a hands-on, real-life learning experience. Grow your mountain confidence.

Route choice & planning, app use, navigation techniques, relocation, compass uses - realistic navigation.

Some previous navigation experience required.

1 day.
Times depend on daylight.
Approx: 15.00 - 21.00

Other locations can be arranged on request.

75.00 p/p

April 14
April 27
Aug 17
Sept 21
Oct 12

Book now 

You can revisit this course as many times as you like, perfect different skills with each session until you feel confident to tackle the hills independently. 

Sign up for "Night Navigation" or "Navigate in New Places"

Night Navigation - 1/2 day course

Test your navigation.

An immersive workshop where you plan and navigate a hill walk at night. Establish your micro navigation skills so that you can trust, rely and enjoy them.

Ideal for people wanting to sharpen their skills, preparing for an MSA or MLA and endurance racers.

Some previous navigation experience required.

1/2 day.
Approx times:
19.00 - 22.30

Other locations can be arranged on request.

€55.00 p/p

   April 11   

Sept 20 
Oct 11

Book now 

You can revisit this course as many times as you like, perfect different skills with each session until you feel confident to tackle the hills independently. 

Sign up for "Navigate in New Places" or "Improvers Navigation"

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